Running a Successful Bid

A bid for a major sport event is a complex undertaking. In a competitive environment, your bid proposition needs to be inspirational as well as technically excellent to convince the event owner that you have the best destination for their event.

EKS has advised multiple countries and cities and has a thorough understanding and established methodology of how to build and deliver successful Feasibility Studies and Bidding projects. With over 20 years of experience and relationships in the International Sports ecosystem, we understand what event owners want. We are not simply advisors - we will embed EKS personnel as part of your team; providing strategic advice and leadership, while also undertaking the work, in an inclusive and collaborative manner, side by side the client.

  • Vision, Legacy and Strategy

    Any Candidate City or Country aspiring to host a major event needs to establish a vision, a legacy plan and a strategy, tied to its long-term plans. EKS goes beyond the commonplace statements of vision to effectively support our clients in creating inspiring and credible legacy plans with accompanying roadmaps that ensure a compelling Candidature for your event, as well as a proper legacy plan for your city and/or country.

  • Master Plan and Concept

    A strong technical proposition provides the foundation to a compelling bid. EKS has designed and delivered events’ concepts and all related technical strategies and solutions across every continent. We deploy experts across every operational area to develop the optimal technical project for your event.

  • Operations

    Any bid requires appropriate functional planning across many areas of operations, including transport, accommodation, security, finance, technology and many more. EKS have experience in all technical areas. We have a deep understanding of the complex integration implications across event operations and community impact.

  • Stakeholder engagement

    Generating support for the bid across all stakeholders is fundamental for successfully securing the event. EKS has worked with more than 15 countries, on all continents, interacting with the highest levels of governments, civil society and the private sector and working as a central unit to bring all voices to the table, ensuring a unified proposal.

Delivering your Bid

EKS leads the delivery of your feasibility study or bid in every aspect along the way. With a proven methodology developed over years of experience preparing the world's largest bids, we can help to define your event's vision and legacy, prepare all technical and operational plans, draft your responses to the Bid questionnaire (or equivalent), design and develop your bid books and support any requirements from event owners, like presentations, workshops and evaluation visits with scripts, presentation content, speaker training and rehearsals, and project management and coordination with other stakeholders.

We also have tools to support the concept development and bid operations including competition schedule and ticket modeling tools, mapping tools to visually identify accommodation and transport routes, budgeting templates, technical compliance, reporting dashboards and many others.


Let's discuss how EKS can support your event aspirations.

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