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300 M+

monthly active users

~45 %

female players

60 %

of users are 16 years old or younger

What is Roblox?

Roblox can be considered to be the 'YouTube of Games' as the platform allows every user / organization to create their own games and virtual items, as well as enjoy and purchase others' creations:

  • 77 million daily active Users

  • 40 + million games/experiences created

  • Every player embodies a character, connecting with others and acquiring virtual items

Why Roblox?

Thought you were up-to-date with TikTok?

As social gaming, especially Roblox, is already surpassing traditional social media usage amongst new generations, this is not the future but the present in terms of brand and product marketing:

/ Over 2.5 hours spent time per user on a daily base
/ Primary social platform
/ 3D environments offer a richer, more interactive experience for connecting & exploring content
/ 3D environments make brand interactions more authentic & meaningful.

For most users, engaging in experiences on Roblox is not just playing games, but a social experience they enjoy with their friends. Much like in the real world, personal self-expression, such as by dressing up its avatar or being recognised on leaderboards, has therefore become a key theme for the Roblox community.

Insights into the Roblox community

Learn more about Roblox and how SPORTFIVE successfully integrated brands

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Roblox's Worldwide Presence & Growth

  • Roblox is strong and growing all over the world

  • Campaigns can be tailored to specific countries & markets by geo-targeting

  • Game selection allows targeting beyond geographical aspects

Marketing Tool For Brands

Numerous well-known brands are already leveraging the opportunities that the Roblox platform offers for marketing and other use cases:

Our Services

Become one of them with SPORTFIVE



Based on your objectives, we guide you through the endless possibilities to a fitting strategy.



Together with our development partners we craft a specific game-design and user engagement strategy that works.



Through a structured process with client iterations and milestones, we can deliver the experience. Typically this only takes a few weeks.



We work with you on the launch promotion and also accompany you throughout the experience with data-driven adjustments, live operations and actionable reportings.

Unlock New Heights

As experts in the field of Virtual Worlds, SPORTFIVE has already successfully integrated several brands to achieve their individual goals with branded experiences on Roblox.

Download a Roblox Teaser with Brand Success Stories

Sign in for free, receive a detailed Roblox Teaser and get a better overview of what Roblox is about, how to activate on it as a brand and how successful partnerships have been in the past.